Snods Edge Ladies Group
This group was originally known as the Snods Edge Wives Group and was formed in 1977.
The main purpose is to raise and distribute funds to a number of charities that we support and over the last 35 years has given away over £60,000.
Our favourite charities that have benefitted include Cancer Research, The Bible Society, Action Aid, Consett Women's Refuge, Alzheimer's Society, Parkinson's Disease Society, Tynedale Hospice, Willowburn Hospice, The Salvation Army and The Society for the Deaf.
We also have an emergency fund available to anyone in the local Parish suffering hardship.
Another aim of the group is to support and help fund projects implemented by the Hall Committee and try to donate an amount to them each year.
Our main sources of income over the years have been the Sunday Teas, car boot/table-top sales and an annual Christmas Fair.
New members are very much welcomed.
For further details please contact Chris Affleck on 01207-507050.